Beach Club

Bagni Tiberio


+39 081 837 0703


Via Palazzo a Mare, 41 - CAPRI



I Bagni di Tiberio is the first establishment, of which we have memory, in Capri because it was built about 2000 years ago by the emperor Tiberius

che lo scelse quale luogo di una delle sue residenze le cui vestigia è possibile ancora ammirare affiorare dalle acque trasparenti della cala.
who chose it as the place of one of his residences whose vestiges can still be admired emerging from the transparent waters of the cove. Today, the establishment, always managed by the same family, has become a reference point for tourists and residents who are welcomed with love, attention and a smile by a staff whose task is now more a passion than a job. It is possible to reach the famous beach of I Bagni di Tiberio aboard a gozzo that leaves from the private dock of Marina Grande, behind the hydrofoil ticket office, or on foot along the small street of Via Palazzo a Mare.

Our beach club is among the few in Capri to be equipped with a small pebble beach with a foreshore which,

gently sloping towards the sea, makes children particularly welcome.
At I Bagni di Tiberio there is also a solarium area which is one of the favorite and most requested services by couples looking for silence and tranquility.

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