Nature Walks

Centro Storico Capri

The heart of the historic center is undoubtedly the famous Piazzetta, or Piazza Umberto I, the navel of the world, a place that has always been chosen to have a chat and watch the strolling slalom between the bars, one for each corner of the square. It is from here that the two most important residential areas branch off: one bordered by via Madre Serafina, where you can admire the immense building that groups the church and monastery commonly called of Santa Teresa, founded by Mother Serafina di Dio in the 17th century, from via S. Aniello, via l’Abate and Posterula (small door), developed around the Big Houses after 1300, the other on the north side (behind Piazza Umberto I), much older, built around the small church of S. Maria delle Grazie (scolo XI), parish of Capri until 1556.

Around the streets Listrieri (bottlenecks), Li Curti (ancient Curtiglie) Parroco Canale, Le Botteghe and Longano (from the Greek longones = large stones) branching off, which winds along the megalithic walls of the seventh century. BC, the ancient walls that surrounded and defended the inhabited village.

hese two districts were made up of small houses with as many small closed “courtyards”, often contiguous and crossed by narrow vaulted streets, which could be easily barred for defense against Saracen raids.

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Guide for your holiday in Capri, with itineraries and insights for your stay on the island.