Thirty years is always an important milestone; especially when that milestone stands at the center of a journey made up of hard work, obstacles successfully overcome and many personal satisfactions. So it is only right to celebrate one’s journey proud of what one has been able to build, but always with an eye toward new goals to be set in the future.
This is the spirit that animated the 30-year celebration of Restaurant da Tonino. The latest event, which also has the burden of closing this long summer season, will feature two important chefs, Oliver Glowing and Roberto Di Pinto, and will be organized in collaboration with Riso Buono and partner winery Bellavista. It will be a dinner for 6 hands, together of course with Salvatore Aprea, chef of the da Tonino restaurant. The theme will be friendship, a sentiment that binds the three participating chefs, and it will have a charitable purpose, thanks to the collaboration with the That’s Amore Capri event, in which the event is included: a part of the proceeds will in fact go to the Soleterre Foundation, which works to provide assistance to children with cancer and their families.
“We will offer a menu designed by us chefs and we will take turns in bringing out the courses,” explains Salvatore Aprea. “Diners will be able to accompany their dinner with a fine Bellavista glass, and 90 percent of the dishes will feature Riso Buono ingredients.”
As mentioned, this is the last event in 2023 tagged That’s Amore Capri, a multidisciplinary review of events conceived by the association of which Salvatore himself is president. “It was an important edition, as we managed to hold more events, always achieving good success; therefore, it was a more favorable year both for the event itself and for the people we helped thanks to the collaboration with the Soleterre Foundation. We hope next year to be able to improve again, and to achieve even greater results.”
The appointments to celebrate 30 years of da Tonino’s restaurant began in April: 4 gourmet dinners that featured prominent chefs, friends of da Tonino’s restaurant, from time to time, together with Salvatore. For each date, it was planned to donate a portion of the proceeds to the Soleterre Foundation. The guests were: Pasquale Tozzi of Grand Hotel Fasano in Gardone Riviera; Chris Oberhammer of Restaurant Tilia; and finally chef Valentino Marcattilii. “All the dinners were well received, and we are very pleased that many customers from the first evening wanted to return for the subsequent ones. I think the reason for this success is that all the invited chefs are primarily friends; Valentino Marcattilii, moreover, was my teacher. This relationship between us, professional but also human, was the perfect mix for the success of the evenings.”
And now? What other surprises does Restaurant da Tonino have in store for us? “Given the success of this edition, we will surely think of something similar next year. Right now, however, we want to enjoy a well-deserved rest, and take some time to reorganize; we will reopen full of energy and ready to put into practice the ideas we have matured during the winter.”
In Photo: Salvatore Aprea pictured with colleague Chris Oberhammer at a dinner as part of the 2023 event for the restaurant Da Tonino’s 30th anniversary celebration.
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