The dream of getting married on Capri: 30 years of Capri Wedding story to tell

“Getting married in Capri is a dream for everybody in the five continents.” The fantastic island is the ideal setting to capture the day that is the beginning of an existential journey.

Long gone are the times when, on the island, the wedding ceremony took place in the gardens, in spring and lunch lasted until evening: the ziti with meat sauce were inevitable (this quality of pasta gets its name from zita, meaning bride). There was always the melodic duo of guitar and mandolin and after lunch there was a procession at sunset at the Cave of Marriage better known as Grotta di Matermania, for good luck.

Ginetta Mazzella, anacaprese doc, with Ischia heritage, is the wedding planer of the company Trial Travel srl that belongs to the Staiano family and knows about this tradition very well.

“Thirty years ago, thanks to the intuition of Gianni Chervatin, General Manager of the Grand Hotel Quisisana, Capri Wedding was born. I, representing the Staiano family and the daughters of Gianni, Alessandra and Piera, started this activity. We immediately understood that the millenary island tradition could not be betrayed, because it was an added value. Every event had to preserve Capri’s identity, its vital spirit”

In the early years, in Capri there were incredible, glossy and glamorous weddings, whose organization lasted years, with large financial investments. The attention of the most prestigious wedding planners has turned to Capri as a phantasmagoric stage. This race to create more and more sensational events, which filled the glossy pages of magazines around the world, had a moment of pause.

What will be the future?

Ginetta thinks about it a little, then with her dreamy gaze continues “we want that in the weddings we organize the identity and spirit of Capri, are preserved in the dishes, in the music with the folk bands and in the settings, respecting the nature of Capri”

In line with the culture of hospitality that has always distinguished the Staiano family, Ginetta and her staff have been consistent throughout these years to defend this idea of “Caprese marriage”, immortalized over the centuries by writers and painters around the world.

“A few years ago – remembers Ginetta – I was asked to transform one of the most beautiful beaches of the island with dozens of Arab tents and I refused. I felt like I was raping an enchanted beach where I dived happily as a child. Unfortunately not everyone thinks so and money can all”

While talking, Ginetta receives a phone call from a girl who will get married in May. After the phone call she confesses me “in the previous months before the weddings, in addition to advising and organizing, she must also reassure newlyweds and anxiogenic mothers, but this creates a bond that remains and is consolidated over time. They come back after marriage with their children and look for me”.

Perhaps it is the purity of the heart, this desire to dive in the nature of Capri to be happy, the secret of a Caprese wedding.

“One of the last ceremonies I organized was at Villa Lysis with a very nice Swedish couple. They had a limited budget. But I will always remember the love and happiness of that day, of that party among the flowers”.

Capri has always been a haven of happiness.

“The spirit of the Staiano Family is to give dreams – concludes Ginetta – because love has no boundaries, limitations or identity… it is free. Capri has always been the island of tolerance and love. We welcome everyone, always with joy and a smile”.

edited by Renato Esposito

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