Patronal and religious festivals have been an opportunity for social gathering and community spirit, as well as the vocation to religious sentiment, for Capri since ancient times. For the guests of the Salotto del mondo it is always fascinating to know not only the ‘fashion’ spirit that distinguishes this exclusive location but also popular culture and folklore, to better understand the beating heart of this fascinating island.

We present below the list of holidays with the related community practices of both Capri and Anacapri.


May 14, San Costanzo : Costanzo, patriarch of Byzantium, landed in Capri with his disciples Sergio and Giorgio forced by a storm. He stopped to preach Christianity to the still pagan inhabitants. The people of Capri, convinced that the intercession of the saint, fervently prayed, was due to the liberation of the island from the Saracen invasion of 991, proclaimed him patron of the city.

On the feast day, the statue of the saint is carried in procession through the streets of Capri towards the Church of S. Costanzo, from where then, a week later, with the same religious ceremony, it is taken and brought back to the former Cathedral of S . Stephen. For the occasion, rose and broom petals are prepared from Capri to be thrown to the saint along the procession as a sign of thanks.

Corpus Domini: . In the afternoon, procession with the SS. For the main streets of Capri

  1. Maria della Libera : on the Sunday after 8 September, procession in Marina Grande. A civil party program with music, stalls and a traditional fireworks display on the sea at midnight has also been set up.

8 September, Nativity of the Madonna : from 1/9 to 8/9 celebration with masses and pilgrimages in the Chapel of S. Maria del Soccorso on Mount Tiberio. A civil festival program has also been prepared which traditionally takes place on 7 September at Fondo Poma, near the excavations, with a festival of Tiberian gastronomy (parmigiana with eggplant, rabbit, sausage and broccoli), music and cabaret. The location is the opposite to the west and overlooks the entire Gulf of Naples. The walk is particularly suggestive, between nature and tradition in a neighborhood that was the branch of the capital of the Roman Empire at the time of Tiberius.


13 June, S. Antonio di Padova : in the afternoon procession through the main streets of Anacapri with the statue of the saint. There is also a civil party program with typical stalls, musical and cabaret shows.

Corpus Domini : in the afternoon procession with the SS. through the main streets of Anacapri.

8 September, S. Maria a Cetrella : continuous masses from 8.00 to sunset. Furthermore, every Sunday in September, a Holy Mass is celebrated at 7.00. The town has its own enormous charm, surrounded by nature suspended between heaven and earth, at the highest point of the island at over 500 meters above sea level. The right place where the Living room of the world arranges its sofas between earth and paradise

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