Vip in the Living Room of the World, password: “don’t get bored and always be there”

The gossip, the gossip, the peek into the public and private life of a famous person may seem that he is destined to be condemned to the wall without appeal. Certainly in some cases many journalists border on bad taste, ruining a genre that is anything but irrelevant for the press. In fact, many VIPs wouldn’t even exist if there wasn’t a gossip haunting them.

The Living room of the world has always been at the center of the paparazzi’s attention, even if in the past there was a real golden moment, that of the postwar period. Finance tycoon and men of cinema and entertainment competed to find a house.

The mechanism is simple: there is a place where a high concentration of exponents of the international jet set is created, and once the fuse is triggered, one cannot fail to be outdone: that place “makes trend”. In an exclusive environment such as the Living room of the world , not being like others means being excluded from the group. It is a real so-called “belonging” need that sociologists and psychologists know well.

But being present is not enough in the world of VIPs real and presumed : you have to get noticed; to do this you need to do or show something out of the ordinary; And here comes the fashions, the aperitif in the square, the brightly colored dresses, the whimsical hairstyles, the generous slits; and then, the mid-knee trousers, the multicolored hat and the parrot on the shoulder of Prince Dado Ruspoli, an icon of an unforgettable period. That snake on the hat in the film “Totò in colori”, the dive into the sea with clothes or the French “r” are nothing but true examples of the climate of those years, where everything served to break the boredom and not to remain in the ‘shadow. A lifestyle was born.

But to reach a prominent place in the realm of worldliness, it is necessary that all this, one’s image and one’s doing, can have an echo that also reaches the continent. Only then does one’s existence reach its peak by obtaining the full title of being part of the world that matters. Thus, the shots of the paparazzi, the columns of the weekly magazines, the video footage, are the final ingredients to complete a very specific scheme. Stolen shots, but often sought shots.

And so, escaping boredom, having fun and getting noticed are the keys to interpreting every VIP; Elsa Maxwell knew it well, who became well known in the world because she understood this mechanism well and was able to exploit it; American writer and journalist, one of the highest paid by major US newspapers and TV stations, she made the Capri of those years a strategic workplace. Around her were added ranks of paparazzi and envoys ready to spy on and steal every movement in the square and in the bay of Marina Piccola. Thus, Capri had its international echo, projected on all the major newspapers, crowded with light and salty gossip, which contributed to creating the myth that still resists today, albeit in a different climate fueled by the fuel of social media.

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