costanzo porta - thats amore capri

A look in the heart of the event: interview with Costanzo Porta, vice-president of the association That’s Amore Capri

Behind every great event there are always its promoters, a group of people passionate and full of ideas, who put in place resources and energy to give those who participate unforgettable memories. That’s Amore Capri was born from the will of some caprese entrepreneurs to do something important for the island; one of them is Costanzo Porta, building contractor, owner of Porta Costruzioni, a company born in the seventies, that over time became one of the most important realities of Capri in the sector.

But Costanzo Porta is not only this: passionate about music, events and culture, always attentive to the support of philanthropic activities on the island, is the vice president of the association That’s Amore Capri, a project in which he believes very much. 

It was precisely the friendship with Valerio Pagano, artistic director of the festival, to kick off this adventure: when he proposed the idea of That’s Amore Capri, he had no doubts and accepted right away. 

Right from the start, this project was a real challenge for us: it is not easy, in fact, to implement high-level initiatives in Capri, especially for us who wanted to do it in full freedom, without any kind of external conditioning. We have always had the goal of bringing quality events to the island, and we have remained faithful to this mission; the results, in terms of audience and appreciation, have always paid for our efforts“.

There is another reason why That’s Amore Capri is a fundamental asset for the development of the island. “Right from the start, our intention was to create an exhibition that went against the trend of a purely summer time tourism, crowding the island at that time to then abandon it completely just at the end of the season. The antidote we proposed was a rich program of events in September and October, still perfect months to come and visit our beautiful island”. 

When we ask Dr. Porta to remember an event of the past editions that is still in his heart, he has no doubts: the show of Paolo Ruffini, “Up & Down”, a truly magical evening that has excited the whole island. “ The zero edition that has served as proof and has been a great success, and that has provided us with the right momentum to continue working on this magnificent project”.

Over the years the exhibition has been able to grow, activating important collaborations, producing significant effects on the territory.

We are very proud of the results that were achieved so far: our work has led us, among other things, to attract the attention of two major media partners such as Forbes and Espresso. However, we believe we can grow and improve even more, from the organizational point of view and artistic direction; although we members of the association are all entrepreneurs, for us That’s Amore Capri is not a hobby or a second job, is a project in which we invest a lot, to which we work all year long to ensure that the next edition is always better than the one that just ended. We do this for our love for culture, but especially for the social, thanks to the long-established collaboration with Soleterre, which means that the events we organize are not only entertainment, but have a beneficial purpose, bringing concrete help to young cancer patients, supported by the foundation and their families. Finally, we do it for Capri, to give the island the quality it deserves and to attract a high level of tourism, making the islanders prouder and prouder of the beautiful places they live in”.


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